24 abril 2009


TARDY BROTHERS es el nuevo proyecto en solitario de los hermanos Tardy (integrantes de OBITUARY) y el nuevo album ya esta a la venta. Esto es lo que dijeron en su pagina oficial:


“With the new CD now out everywhere, it has been great reading all the emails I have been getting. We really appreciate all the support and it is good to hear that you like what we did! It has also been great reading all the postive reviews this release has been getting. and were both good ones and I just got 2 more emails from and that were both awesom . Let me know if you come across any more and as always send us an email and let us know what you think. I am also curious if any of you have had any problems finding the CD in stores?


I cannot believe it is out! It seems like we have been waiting forever, but today it is finally out! This is something Donald and I have worked on for a long time and are really proud of! I know you will enjoy this Bloodline release. Please send me an email and let me know what you think. We will now continue to work on putting together a lineup and try to set up some shows. This is going to depend a lot on Obituary's schedule, but we should be able to find some time and would love to play some shows! Thanks for all the support! “

No puedo creer que ya haya salido!. Me parecio una eternidad, pero finalmente lo hicimos!. Esto es algo en lo que Donald y yo hemos trabajado por mucho tiempo y de lo que estamos realmente orgullosos!. Se que van a disfrutar de Bloodline. Por favor envienme un email y dejenme saber lo que piensan al respecto. Nosotros vamos a seguir con nuestro trabajo y a tratar de hacer algunos shows. Esto dependera mucho de lo que ya tenemos programado con  OBITUARY , pero trataremos de hacernos un tiempo ya que nos  encantaria poder hacer algunos shows!

Gracias por todo el apoyo!”

Cortesia: www.